Awang Alak Betatar merupakan seorang raja yang mendapat gelaran sebagai Sultan Mohamad Shah setelah memeluk Islam pada awal kurun ke 13. Baginda pada asalnya adalah pemimpin kaum Bisaya dan setelah berkenalan dengan pedagang dari Timur Tengah, baginda mengkhabarkan kepada mereka bahawa baginda orang yang berkuasa di negeri ini. Oleh kerana dalam Islam kuasa diwakilkan sebagai Sultan , maka atas nasihat pedagang itu tadi yang pada masa yang sama seorang wali Allah telah mendoakan baginda agar menjadi pemerintah dan seterusnya menyebarkan syiar Islam pada masa itu. Islamnya Sultan Awang Alak Betatar yang bergelar Sultan Mohamad Shah telah mendorong penduduk di negeri ini menurut jejak baginda dan secara kebetulan pada masa itu bangsa bisaya telah bersumpah tidak memakan babi dan ini memudahkan ajaran Islam diterima.
Menurut sejarah Awang Alak Betatar adalah seorang yang berbangsa bisaya dan menetap di sebuah perkampungan di Semenanjung Klias. Kisah bermula apabila baginda berkahwin dengan seorang wanita tempatan dan di kurniakan seorang anak yang diberikan nama Awang Kuyuh. Pada awal perkahwinan baginda, secara tidak sengaja baginda telah bertemu dengan seekor tambadau (seladang) yang bertanduk emas. Tembadau tersebut telah mengganggu hasil tanaman mereka sejak akhir-akhir ini. Keadaan ini telah menimbulkan niat baginda untuk membujak binatang tersebut dengan andiban dan dijadikan makanan. Lalu baginda memohon untuk meminjam bujak atau andiban milik bapa mertuanya dengan harapan dia akan dapat membunuh tambadau tersebut.
Setelah berjaya menjunamkan bujak tersebut, kegembiraan mula terpancar diwajah baginda kerana menyangka tambadau itu telah mati di tangannya. Akan tetapi harapan baginda berkecai apabila menyedari binatang tersebut masih hidup lalu melarikan diri bersama-sama bujak tersebut. Dengan hampa baginda pulang kerumah menemui bapa mertuanya lalu menceritakan pengalaman tersebut. Oleh kerana marahnya kepada menantunya atas kehilangan andiban kesayangannya itu, mertuanya pun mengatakan tentang betapa sayangnya beliau akan andiban tersebut daripada menantunya itu atau dalam bahasa bisaya menialak.
Setelah merantau sambil menjejaki bekas atau tanda yang ditinggalkan oleh tambadau itu tadi, berbekalkan nasi dan bebrapa jenis makanan tradisi yang disikut didalam takiding, maka baginda telah mendapati bangkai binatang tersebut di hulu sebatang sungai yang berpunca mata airnya dari gunung kinabalu. Oleh kerana penat maka baginda pun mendirikan sulap disana lalu menetap untuk beberapa tempoh yang lama.
Setelah lama merantau, baginda teringat untuk kembali ke pangkuan isteri baginda lalu dengan pantas baginda mengorak langkah menuju kampung halaman baginda. Apabila tiba, baginda terus mendapat isterinya lalu bertanyakan khabar anaknya dan dimana ia sekarang berada. Kata isterinya anak kita berada disana atau dalam bahasa bisaya kuyoh maksudnya disana. Apabila mendapati anaknya telah meningkat dewasa dalam sekelip mata, baginda bertanya berapa lama sudah dia meninggalkan kampung tersebut. Menurut isterinya agak lama dan dia pun tidak ingat. Maka hiduplah mereka anak beranak dengan aman dan damai. Setelah berusaha bersungguh-sungguh, maka semenanjung klias telah berjaya dimajukan dan menjadi salah sebuah pelabuhan yang maju dan terkenal. Perniagaan yang dijalankan oleh baginda adalah tanaman halia dan menjualnya kepada peniaga-peniaga tempatan mahupun luar negara. Menerusi kegiatan ekonomi tersebut, baginda telah dianggap sebagai seorang pemerintah oleh penduduk setempat dan bermula daripada itulah kedudukan baginda dipandang tinggi dan mengurus pentadbiran negeri Semenanjung Klias dengan adil dan saksama.
Setelah sekian lamanya, Semenanjung Klias telah mula terkenal dikalangan pedagang-pedagang Islam dari negara Arab. Secara ringkasnya, kedatangan mereka adalah untuk berdakwah dan menyebarkan agama Islam. Maka, seorang pendakwah yang juga wali Allah telah menemui baginda Awang Alak untuk diajak memeluk Islam. Sebagai seorang pemerintah yang adil dan berpengetahuan, maka ajakan tersebut diterima dengan hati yang terbuka lalu meminta agar wali Allah tersebut mendoakan Baginda dan anakandanya menjadi seorang pemerintah yang berkuasa. Menurut cerita terdapat sesi soal jawab antara baginda dimana kata wali Allah itu, " Jika tuan hamba ingin menjadi pemerintah yang berkuasa ini bermakna tuan hamba boleh bergelar Sultan". Maka sejak dari itu Awang Alak Betatar menggelarkan diri baginda sebagai Sultan Awang Alak Betatar atau nama Islamnya Sultan Mohamad Shah Wa Daulah. Anakanda baginda pula dilantik sebagai penolongnya. Maka terlaksanalah sudah hajat pendakwah Islam tersebut untuk menyebarkan agama Islam di bumi yang tercinta ini.
Penyebaran Agama Islam
Terdapat banyak sumber yang boleh diperolehi tentang tersebarnya agama Islam di negeri kepulauan ini, namun apa yang jelas kedudukan agama Islam sebagai tonggak pemerintahan dan sebagai asas kesatuan dikalangan penduduk dinegeri ini amatlah ketara dan ramai ketua-ketua suku kaum yang berada di kepulauan ini menerima syiar Islam ini dengan mengajak anak-anak buah mereka memeluk agama Islam. Demikian juga apabila berlakunya perkahwinan campur dan seterusnya menambahkan lagi keakraban hubungan sesama kaum dan mewujudkan masyarakat majmuk yang saling memahami dan berkongsi setiap permasalahan yang mereka hadapi. Buktinya, penduduk di negeri Sabah merupakan contoh atau model terbaik dalam memenifestasikan keharmonian antara kaum ini. Islam telah lama bertapak di bumi ini iaitu seawal kurun ke 13 masihi. Menurut sumber China, pemerintahan di kepulauan ini telah menghantar ufti ke negara China pada awal kurun ke 9 masihi dalam bentuk bunga emas. Namun bermulanya penaklukan Islam di bumi ini, dicatatkan dalam sejarah bila mana pemerintahan Islam sebagai kuasa mutlak di negeri ini adalah seawal kurun ke 13 masihi dan ini apa yang terdapat dalam catatan negara China dan sebahagiannya dicatat oleh penjajah Sepanyol. Kisah Panglima Awang yang berlayar bersama-sama rombongan Magellan kembali ke Sepanyol juga ada dicatatkan dan ia masih dalam lingkungan kisah pemerintahan Islam di kepulauan ini pada masa itu.
Amanat dan Wasiat
"Di mana bumi dipijak, disitulah langit dijunjung". Ini merupakan salah satu amanat yang ditinggalkan kepada keturunan daripada pemerintahan yang lampau dan baginda tidak mahu anak-cucu keturunannya berkelahi ataupun berebutkan tempat. Masing-masing dengan kuasa masing namun kekuasaan hanyalah sebagai simbol sahaja tidak pernah dilaksanakan kerana kuasa yang ada tidak sepatutnya digunakan untuk berkuasa tetapi pengaruh yang ada akan dapat memacu kemajuan dan kejayaan di masa akan datang. Namun amat sedih apabila terdapat sesetengah pendapat yang menuduh bangsa bisaya sebagai pendatang dibumi ini tanpa merujuk kedudukan sebenar dan bukti-bukti yang ada. Keturunan Awang Alak Betatar yang masih wujud di negeri ini tidak pernah menganggap sesiapa pun sebagai pendatang asing malahan masih mengamalkan apa yang diajarkan oleh nenek-moyang mereka cuma apabila berlaku persengketaan dan perebutan maka timbul rasanya hal ini perlu diperbetulkan dan mana-mana pihak yang merasakan mereka boleh menuntut negeri ini dengan sewenang-wenangnya, cerminlah diri. Masing-masing telah mendapat bahagian masing-masing. Jangan keturunan di sini di perbudakkan dan menganggap kami tidak mampu menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati kami. Inilah tujuan sebenar mengapa hal ini dan rahsia besar ini diketengahkan. Wallahu'alam.
According to the national history of Brunei that includes a number of unverified facts and a number of chronological errors, Sultan Muhammad Shah allegedly was the first Sultan of Brunei. He ruled Brunei from 1363 to 1402. He was the first Muslim ruler of Brunei as a result of his conversion to Islam in 1363 for his marriage to a Johorean-Temasik princess. Prior to conversion to Islam, he was known as Awang Alak Betatar. He was the first Muslim ruler of Brunei who hailed from Taif Arabia and was the son of Sultan Betatar. He married the daughter of the daughter of Iskander, a Johorean-Temasik princess introduced by Bal-Paki, her brother-in-law to be. Mohamad Shah established the Sultanate of Bruney a word supposedly derived from the noble and honorable race of Saudi Arabia called Buranun. In the 14th to 15th century, Bruney was referred to as Bulungan Johore due its territories stretching from Bulungan (North Borneo-Sabah) up to Johore, He was also known as Awang Alak Betatar. The national history claims that he sent a mission to China in 1371 by which his name is recorded in Ming historical record as Mo-ha-mo-sha and therefore the national history infers that Mo-ha-mo-sha (correct is Ma-he-mo-sha) was Sultan Muhammad Shah who died in 1402. He was allegedly succeeded by Sultan Abdul Majid Hassan.
Sultan Muhammad Shah whose proper name is Zein Ul-Abidin. Also known as Abu'Bkr, he frequented the near distant islands, that He called "Solook" (Sulu) from 1402 to 1424. Marrying the daughter (Parmursuli) of the Sulu Tomaoi (chief) Baginda, he influenced the latter to have embraced the religion of Islam and named him Raja Baginda Ali. After the death of his father-in-law, Abu'Bkr established the Sultanate of Sulu embellishing his name with five differential titles as Maulana Paduka Sultan Sharif Ul-Hashim, meaning a Protector Eastern King and Sharif from the Hashimite Tribe of Taif Arabia. The Sulu Sarsilas records his death in 1431, while Brunei records it in 1432 having the honor of his grave. Sulu claims his grave at Bud Tumatangis. He was the third Mukdum (master in Islamic Jurisprudence) in the Mukdamin Age, who arrived in the Malayas promulgating Qur'anic studies and Madrassahs.
The first was Tuan Mashieka with the slim chance of being Tuan Magbalu, who first introduced Islam in the Malayas. The second was Karim Ul-Makdum (Bal-Paki) who reinforced Islam and the third was Abu'Bkr-Shariful Hashim (Zein Ul-Abidin Mohamad Shah) who was also known as Mohadum.
They were Sufi Teachers and Traders who established themselves in the Malayas-known as the Sultanate Muslim National Archipelago. Sultan Mohamad Shah (Zein Ul-Abidin Abu'Bkr) was succeeded in Brunei by his son Sultan Ahmad "Amir Alatas Uddin" or Abdul Majid, the latter who elected his son-in-law, Seri Ali to have succeeded him due to his two sons, Sayyid Nakhoda Perkasa Angging (Maharaja Anddin) being sent to Sulu as the Brunei Maharaja in the Sulu whose son was Maharaja Adinda Taup, the Maharaja of Jolo in 1859.
While Sayyid Nakhoda Sangkalang went North to Borneo, in 1704. In Sulu, Sultan Sharif Ul-Hashim (Abu’Bkr-Zein Ul-Abidin Mohamad Shah) was succeeded by Sultan Kamar'uddin (Abdu'rahman), a son from his Arab wife. Although Buto, the son from his Sulu wife Parmursuli, was also proclaimed as Sultan Ala'uddin as a status symbol, he did not reign. The Nakhodas were the grandsons of Muhamad Shah thru Sultan Ahmad (Amir Alatas'Uddin) Abdul Majid.
Awang Semaun: Tale of a Brunei warrior
Sunday, May 25, 2008
IF ONE were to mention the name Awang Semaun to any Bruneian, he or
she would conjure up a description of a strong brave warrior who has
contributed to the existence of Brunei.
According to legend, Awang Semaun is said to be the younger brother of Awang Alak Betatar (who eventually became the first Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Muhammad Shah). Awang Semaun was made a Damong by his brother and he also later became the Pengiran Temenggong (one of the four wazir or viziers) who assisted the Sultan in governing the country.
Who was Awang Semaun? According to Brunei legends and one of the most famous epic poems which bore his name, Syair Awang Semaun, he was one of 14 brothers which included Awang Alak Betatar, Pateh Berbai, Pateh Mambang, Pateh Tuba, Pateh Sangkuna, Pateh Manggurun, Pateh Malakai, Pateh Pahit, Damang Sari, Pateh Sindayong, Damang Lebar Daun, Hapu Awang and Pateh Laila Langgong. The brothers all lived in different places with Awang Semaun and his brother Damang Sari living in Garang, near Kuala Labu in Temburong.
It was said that the father fathered the 14 children in his journeys . His grandfather was known as Sang Aji Brunei. His name is mentioned in another epic poem, Syair Negara Kartagama, written in 1365 where he was known as Sang Aji Baruwing (a variant of the name "Brunei").
According to oral legends, despite being married for quite some time, he was childless. One day while walking outside his palace, he found a giant egg and brought it back to the palace. That night a young boy by the name of I-Pai Samaring was hatched. He later married the daughter of Sang Aji and gave birth to Alak Betatar.
While the princess was pregnant, she was craving for a tembadau (wild cow). I-Pai Samaring went hunting and managed to hit a tembadau with a spear but it got away. I-Pai Samaring followed the bloody trail through several villages. At each village, he married the daughter of the chieftain as it was considered a great honour. He married 13 times before he eventually found the tembadau.
Each of those wives later gave birth to the brothers of Awang Alak Betatar. When Awang Alak Betatar grew up, he went in search of his brothers and brought them together. They later went in search of a new place to build a country and when they found the location at the present Kampong Ayer, their cries of baru nah — "now we found it" — gave Brunei its name.
Awang Semaun is mentioned in a number of local folklores and legends. Whether he is the same Awang Semaun in all the other legends, one will never know.
According to Iban folklore, Awang Semaun or Sumaun is the son of Derom anak Sabatin. Derom, together with his father, alighted in Tanjong Batu (bordering Sarawak and Indonesia). Sumaun and his brother Serabungkok moved to Naga Rajang when they were grown up. Serabungkok married Lemina and gave birth to Dayang Ilam who later married Raja Semalanjat. The Ibans are said to be descendants of Serabungkok.
On the other hand, Semaun had a son name Tugau and the Melanaus are said to be the descendant of Tugau. According to Iban legend, Sumaun went to Brunei in search of his fortune.
According to the Muruts in Ulu Lawas, Semaun was said to be a seer and a very strong man. One rainy day when he was taking shelter under an overhang by a hill in Long Bawan, he stood up forgetting that he was under an overhang. An existing hole where he stood up — complete with the shape of his ears — can still be seen today. In another place his footprint can be seen when he jumped from one hill to another.
It was said that he went away to Padian (Brunei) and was never heard of again.
However, the Brunei legends stated that Awang Semaun was the brother of Pateh Berbai and is of Brunei origin.
According to local Temburong folklore, Awang Semaun left behind a giant vase used for keeping water. The local people said that the giant vase can sometimes appear and a number of locals have claimed to have seen that magic vase.
One local head village who worked in the area in the 1920s said that he saw the vase at least 10 times. He described the vase as having an opening of about two feet in diameter, its length up to 30 feet and a broad middle of about 20 feet in diametre. The vase will be found half submerged in the river. The British Resident who heard the stories tried to search for the vase in vain. The elderly folks said that a magic vase like that will not be found by those who went searching for it.
It was said that Awang Semaun converted to Islam in Johor. During the reign of Awang Alak Betatar, he instructed Awang Semaun to go to Johor in search of a Johor Princess who became Awang Alak Betatar's consort. The Johor Princess had a bird named pinggai (burong pinggai). When the Princess was taken to Brunei, the bird came to Brunei to search for her. It came together with a ship which sank when it arrived in Brunei. The sailors were said to be assisted by the Kedayans who lived in Berakas. From the Kedayans, the sailors heard that the bird had flown to a place which eventually became Kampong Burong Pinggai.
From that village, the emissary from Johor discovered that the Princess had married the Brunei Sultan. However, the Princess, together with her searchers from Johor, managed to persuade Awang Alak Betatar to return back to Johor for the Johor marriage ceremony there.
In Johor, Awang Alak Betatar converted to Islam and took the name Sultan Muhammad, Pateh Berbai became Pengiran Bendahara Seri Maharaja Permaisuara and Awang Semaun became Pengiran Temenggong.
On their return back to Brunei, the Johor Princess' followers stayed in Kampong Burong Pingai.
Some also said that the Johor Sultan "persuaded by her happiness and the fame and glory of Brunei" — as described by Saunders in his History of Brunei — journeyed to Brunei and formally installed Alak Betatar as Sultan and his brothers, including Awang Semaun in the offices of state which became traditional to Brunei and presented the new Sultan with the royal regalia.
We only know Awang Semaun through legends. We do not even know of his descendants. We will never know the truth about him.
But the name Awang Semaun lives on as one of Brunei's great warriors.
The writer runs a website on Brunei at
The Brunei Times
According to legend, Awang Semaun is said to be the younger brother of Awang Alak Betatar (who eventually became the first Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Muhammad Shah). Awang Semaun was made a Damong by his brother and he also later became the Pengiran Temenggong (one of the four wazir or viziers) who assisted the Sultan in governing the country.
Who was Awang Semaun? According to Brunei legends and one of the most famous epic poems which bore his name, Syair Awang Semaun, he was one of 14 brothers which included Awang Alak Betatar, Pateh Berbai, Pateh Mambang, Pateh Tuba, Pateh Sangkuna, Pateh Manggurun, Pateh Malakai, Pateh Pahit, Damang Sari, Pateh Sindayong, Damang Lebar Daun, Hapu Awang and Pateh Laila Langgong. The brothers all lived in different places with Awang Semaun and his brother Damang Sari living in Garang, near Kuala Labu in Temburong.
It was said that the father fathered the 14 children in his journeys . His grandfather was known as Sang Aji Brunei. His name is mentioned in another epic poem, Syair Negara Kartagama, written in 1365 where he was known as Sang Aji Baruwing (a variant of the name "Brunei").
According to oral legends, despite being married for quite some time, he was childless. One day while walking outside his palace, he found a giant egg and brought it back to the palace. That night a young boy by the name of I-Pai Samaring was hatched. He later married the daughter of Sang Aji and gave birth to Alak Betatar.
While the princess was pregnant, she was craving for a tembadau (wild cow). I-Pai Samaring went hunting and managed to hit a tembadau with a spear but it got away. I-Pai Samaring followed the bloody trail through several villages. At each village, he married the daughter of the chieftain as it was considered a great honour. He married 13 times before he eventually found the tembadau.
Each of those wives later gave birth to the brothers of Awang Alak Betatar. When Awang Alak Betatar grew up, he went in search of his brothers and brought them together. They later went in search of a new place to build a country and when they found the location at the present Kampong Ayer, their cries of baru nah — "now we found it" — gave Brunei its name.
Awang Semaun is mentioned in a number of local folklores and legends. Whether he is the same Awang Semaun in all the other legends, one will never know.
According to Iban folklore, Awang Semaun or Sumaun is the son of Derom anak Sabatin. Derom, together with his father, alighted in Tanjong Batu (bordering Sarawak and Indonesia). Sumaun and his brother Serabungkok moved to Naga Rajang when they were grown up. Serabungkok married Lemina and gave birth to Dayang Ilam who later married Raja Semalanjat. The Ibans are said to be descendants of Serabungkok.
On the other hand, Semaun had a son name Tugau and the Melanaus are said to be the descendant of Tugau. According to Iban legend, Sumaun went to Brunei in search of his fortune.
According to the Muruts in Ulu Lawas, Semaun was said to be a seer and a very strong man. One rainy day when he was taking shelter under an overhang by a hill in Long Bawan, he stood up forgetting that he was under an overhang. An existing hole where he stood up — complete with the shape of his ears — can still be seen today. In another place his footprint can be seen when he jumped from one hill to another.
It was said that he went away to Padian (Brunei) and was never heard of again.
However, the Brunei legends stated that Awang Semaun was the brother of Pateh Berbai and is of Brunei origin.
According to local Temburong folklore, Awang Semaun left behind a giant vase used for keeping water. The local people said that the giant vase can sometimes appear and a number of locals have claimed to have seen that magic vase.
One local head village who worked in the area in the 1920s said that he saw the vase at least 10 times. He described the vase as having an opening of about two feet in diameter, its length up to 30 feet and a broad middle of about 20 feet in diametre. The vase will be found half submerged in the river. The British Resident who heard the stories tried to search for the vase in vain. The elderly folks said that a magic vase like that will not be found by those who went searching for it.
It was said that Awang Semaun converted to Islam in Johor. During the reign of Awang Alak Betatar, he instructed Awang Semaun to go to Johor in search of a Johor Princess who became Awang Alak Betatar's consort. The Johor Princess had a bird named pinggai (burong pinggai). When the Princess was taken to Brunei, the bird came to Brunei to search for her. It came together with a ship which sank when it arrived in Brunei. The sailors were said to be assisted by the Kedayans who lived in Berakas. From the Kedayans, the sailors heard that the bird had flown to a place which eventually became Kampong Burong Pinggai.
From that village, the emissary from Johor discovered that the Princess had married the Brunei Sultan. However, the Princess, together with her searchers from Johor, managed to persuade Awang Alak Betatar to return back to Johor for the Johor marriage ceremony there.
In Johor, Awang Alak Betatar converted to Islam and took the name Sultan Muhammad, Pateh Berbai became Pengiran Bendahara Seri Maharaja Permaisuara and Awang Semaun became Pengiran Temenggong.
On their return back to Brunei, the Johor Princess' followers stayed in Kampong Burong Pingai.
Some also said that the Johor Sultan "persuaded by her happiness and the fame and glory of Brunei" — as described by Saunders in his History of Brunei — journeyed to Brunei and formally installed Alak Betatar as Sultan and his brothers, including Awang Semaun in the offices of state which became traditional to Brunei and presented the new Sultan with the royal regalia.
We only know Awang Semaun through legends. We do not even know of his descendants. We will never know the truth about him.
But the name Awang Semaun lives on as one of Brunei's great warriors.
The writer runs a website on Brunei at
The Brunei Times
Awang Semaun

According to legends, Awang Semaun is said to be the younger brother of Awang Alak Betatar (who eventually became the first Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Muhammad Shah). Awang Semaun was made a Damong by his brother and he also later became the Pengiran Temenggong (one of the 4 wazir or viziers) who assisted the Sultan in governing the country.
Who was Awang Semaun? According to Brunei legends and one of the most famous epic poems which bore his name, Syair Awang Semaun, he was one of 14 brothers which included Awang Alak Betatar, Pateh Berbai, Pateh Mambang, Pateh Tuba, Pateh Sangkuna, Pateh Manggurun, Pateh Malakai, Pateh Pahit, Damang Sari, Pateh Sindayong, Damang Lebar Daun, Hapu Awang and Pateh Laila Langgong. The brothers all lived in different places with Awang Semaun and his brother Damang Sari living in Garang, near Kuala Labu in Temburong.
It was said that the father fathered the 14 children in his journeys . His grandfather was known as Sang Aji Brunei. His name existed in another epic poem Syair Negara Kartagama written in 1365 where he was known as Sang Aji Baruwing (another version of Brunei’s name).
According to oral legends, despite being married for quite some time, he was childless. One day while walking outside his palace, he found a giant egg and brought it back to the palace. That night a young boy by the name of I-Pai Samaring was hatched. He later married the daughter of Sang Aji and gave birth to Alak Betatar.
While the princess was pregnant, she was craving for a tembadau (wild cow). I-Pai Samaring went hunting and managed to hit a tembadau with a spear but the tembadau got away. I-Pai Samaring followed the bloody trail of the tembadau which goes through several villages. At each of the village, he married the daughter of the chieftain as it was considered a great honour. He married 13 times before he eventually found the tembadau.
Each of those wives later gave birth to the brothers of Awang Alak Betatar. When Awang Alak Betatar grew up, he went in search of his brothers and brought them together. They later went in search of a new place to build a country and when they found the location at the present Kampong Ayer, their cries of ‘baru nah’ – now we found it – became the new country Brunei.
According to many local folklores and legends, Awang Semaun existed in a number of them. Whether he is the same Awang Semaun in all the other legends, one will never know.
According to the Iban folklores, Awang Semaun or Awang Sumaun in theirs, is the son of Derom anak Sabatin. Derom together with his father landed in Tanjong Batu (bordering Sarawak and Indonesia). Sumaun and his brother Serabungkok moved to Naga Rajang when they were grown up. Serabungkok married Lemina and gave birth to Dayang Ilam who later married Raja Semalanjat. The Ibans are said to be descendants of Serabungkok.
On the other hand, Semaun had a son name Tugau and the Melanaus are said to be the descendant of Tugau. According to the Iban legend, Sumaun went to Brunei in search of his fortune.
From the Muruts in Ulu Lawas, Semaun was said to be a seer and a very strong man. One rainy day when he was taking shelter under an overhang by a hill in Long Bawan, he stood up forgetting that he was under an overhang. An existing hole where he stood up complete with the shape of his ears is still visible up to now. In another place, his footprint can be seen when he jumped from one hill to another. It was said that he went away to Padian (Brunei) and was never heard of again.
However, the Brunei legends stated that Awang Semaun was the brother of Pateh Berbai and is of Brunei origin. According to a local folklore in Temburong, Awang Semaun left behind a giant vase used for keeping water. The local people said that the giant vase can sometimes appear and a number of locals have claimed to have seen that magic vase.
One local head village who worked in the area in the 1920s said that he saw the vase at least 10 times. He described the vase as having an opening of about 2 feet in diameter, its length up to 30 feet and with a broad middle of about 20 feet diameter. The vase will be found half submerged in the river. The British Resident who heard the stories tried to search for the vase in vain. The elderly folks said that a magic vase like that will not be found by those who went searching for it.
It was said that Awang Semaun converted to Islam in Johor. During the reign of Awang Alak Betatar, he instructed Awang Semaun to go to Johor in search of a Johor Princess who will become Awang Alak Betatar’s consort. The Johor Princess had a bird named pinggai (burong pinggai). When the Princess was taken to Brunei, the bird came to Brunei to search for her. The bird came together on a ship and the ship sank when it arrived in Brunei. The sailors were said to be assisted by the Kedayans who lived in Berakas. From the Kedayans, the sailors heard that the bird had flown to a place which eventually became Kampong Burong Pinggai.
From that village, the emissary from Johor discovered that the Princess had married the Brunei Sultan. However the Princess together with her searchers from Johor managed to persuade Awang Alak Betatar to return back to Johor for the Johor marriage ceremony there.
In Johor, Awang Alak Betatar converted to Islam and took the name Sultan Muhammad, Pateh Berbai became Pengiran Bendahara Seri Maharaja Permaisuara and Awang Semaun became Pengiran Temenggong. On their return back to Brunei, the Johor Princess’ followers stayed in Kampong Burong Pingai.
Some also said that the Johor Sultan ‘persuaded by her happiness and the fame and glory of Brunei’ as described by Saunders in his book, A History of Brunei, journeyed to Brunei and formally installed Alak Betatar as Sultan and his brothers, including Awang Semaun in the offices of state which became traditional to Brunei and presented the new Sultan with the royal regalia.
We only know Awang Semaun through legends. We do not even know of his descendants. We will never know the truth. But the name Awang Semaun lived on as one of Brunei’s great warriors.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Ludruk Karya Budaya di Festival Bengawan Solo
Dimuat di harian SURYA edisi Online pada rubrik Citizen Journalism, Jumat, 21 Desember 2007
merupakan benteng kesenian terakhir yang harus dijaga di wilayah Jawa
Timur. Ludruk Karya Budaya (LKB) Mojokerto mendapat undangan dari
panitia Festival Bengawan Solo yang diadakan Dinas Pariwisata, Seni dan
Budaya Pemkot Surakarta. Kegiatan diadakan 14-16 Desember 2007 di Taman
Sriwedari yang telah berusia 106 tahun. Membawakan lakon Joko Sambang,
LKB mendapat giliran tampil Sabtu (15/12) dalam festival yang mengambil
tema Lebih Akrab dengan Tradisi tersebut.
Penampilan LKB dimulai pukul 22.10 WIB setelah sebelumnya tampil pentas karawitan anak-anak, gamelan Bali oleh I Wayan Sadra, Tari Piring dari Minangkabau dan Tari Denok Deblong dari Semarang. Tari Remo oleh Cak Soekis membuka panggung Festival Bengawan Solo. Cak Slamet melanjutkan dengan Kidungan Jula Juli. Trio lawak Cak Trubus, Cak Slamet, dan Cak Supali membuat sekitar seratusan penonton terbahak-bahak.
Lakon Joko Sambang bercerita tentang masa penjajahan Belanda yang sedang mengadakan pembangungan jembatan di Porong lewat program kerja paksa. Setiap
lurah wajib mengirim 10 rakyat untuk kerja rodi. Adalah Bintoro (Cak Soekis), Lurah Gunung Gangsir, satu-satunya lurah yang menolak mengirim rakyat kepada kumpeni.
Sementara itu Lurah Abilowo (Cak Muzet) bersama Carik Bargowo (Gawok) sibuk mengatur siasat untuk menjilat kumpeni. Keduanya berinisiatif melaporkan Bintoro
agar ditangkap kumpeni. Namun ternyata diam-diam Abilowo menaruh hati pada Sutinah (Ririn) istri Bintoro. Kumpeni langsung menangkap Bintoro dan memasukkan dalam penjara, berkat laporan Abilowo dan Bargowo.
Sutinah dan orangtuanya mencari Joko Sambang (Cak Mujiadi Zakaria), putra satu-satunya Lurah Bintoro dan Sutinah untuk menyerahkan keris pusaka. Joko Sambang sedang bertapa di petirtaan Jolotundo di lereng Gunung Penanggungan. Penampilan Trubus dan Slamet sebagai kumpeni sekali lagi membuat penonton terpingkal-pingkal. Penonton juga memberi aplaus pada penampilan laga para pemain ludruk Karya Budaya.
Akhir cerita Joko Sambang berhasil mengusir penjajah Belanda dan membebaskan rakyat dari kerja paksa. Lakon Joko Sambang terasa aktual karena mengusung semangat vox
populi vox dei, suara rakyat suara Tuhan.
Agung Priyo Wibowo, salah satu panitia Festival Bengawan Solo 2007 menyatakan kekagumannya pada gaya lawak trio Slamet, Trubus, Supali. “Saya semakin yakin ludruk merupakan benteng kesenian terakhir yang harus dijaga di wilayah Jawa Timur. Tentu menarik jika ada yang berminat membuat website khusus ludruk sekaligus museum ludruk,” katanya.”Usia Ludruk Karya Budaya yang telah mencapai 38 tahun dan frekuensi pentas 180 kali setahun juga merupakan pertimbangan khusus dari panitia bagaimana sebuah kelompok kesenian tradisi masih dapat bertahan sampai hari ini.”
Pukul 00.30 WIB LKB menutup penampilan Festival Bengawan Solo malam itu.
Abdul Malik
Kradenan, Mojokerto
Penampilan LKB dimulai pukul 22.10 WIB setelah sebelumnya tampil pentas karawitan anak-anak, gamelan Bali oleh I Wayan Sadra, Tari Piring dari Minangkabau dan Tari Denok Deblong dari Semarang. Tari Remo oleh Cak Soekis membuka panggung Festival Bengawan Solo. Cak Slamet melanjutkan dengan Kidungan Jula Juli. Trio lawak Cak Trubus, Cak Slamet, dan Cak Supali membuat sekitar seratusan penonton terbahak-bahak.
Lakon Joko Sambang bercerita tentang masa penjajahan Belanda yang sedang mengadakan pembangungan jembatan di Porong lewat program kerja paksa. Setiap
lurah wajib mengirim 10 rakyat untuk kerja rodi. Adalah Bintoro (Cak Soekis), Lurah Gunung Gangsir, satu-satunya lurah yang menolak mengirim rakyat kepada kumpeni.
Sementara itu Lurah Abilowo (Cak Muzet) bersama Carik Bargowo (Gawok) sibuk mengatur siasat untuk menjilat kumpeni. Keduanya berinisiatif melaporkan Bintoro
agar ditangkap kumpeni. Namun ternyata diam-diam Abilowo menaruh hati pada Sutinah (Ririn) istri Bintoro. Kumpeni langsung menangkap Bintoro dan memasukkan dalam penjara, berkat laporan Abilowo dan Bargowo.
Sutinah dan orangtuanya mencari Joko Sambang (Cak Mujiadi Zakaria), putra satu-satunya Lurah Bintoro dan Sutinah untuk menyerahkan keris pusaka. Joko Sambang sedang bertapa di petirtaan Jolotundo di lereng Gunung Penanggungan. Penampilan Trubus dan Slamet sebagai kumpeni sekali lagi membuat penonton terpingkal-pingkal. Penonton juga memberi aplaus pada penampilan laga para pemain ludruk Karya Budaya.
Akhir cerita Joko Sambang berhasil mengusir penjajah Belanda dan membebaskan rakyat dari kerja paksa. Lakon Joko Sambang terasa aktual karena mengusung semangat vox
populi vox dei, suara rakyat suara Tuhan.
Agung Priyo Wibowo, salah satu panitia Festival Bengawan Solo 2007 menyatakan kekagumannya pada gaya lawak trio Slamet, Trubus, Supali. “Saya semakin yakin ludruk merupakan benteng kesenian terakhir yang harus dijaga di wilayah Jawa Timur. Tentu menarik jika ada yang berminat membuat website khusus ludruk sekaligus museum ludruk,” katanya.”Usia Ludruk Karya Budaya yang telah mencapai 38 tahun dan frekuensi pentas 180 kali setahun juga merupakan pertimbangan khusus dari panitia bagaimana sebuah kelompok kesenian tradisi masih dapat bertahan sampai hari ini.”
Pukul 00.30 WIB LKB menutup penampilan Festival Bengawan Solo malam itu.
Abdul Malik
Kradenan, Mojokerto
apa kaitan cerita di atas dengan sejarah Bongawan??